Saturday 11 May 2013

Answers A Prison For Oneself

   Meaning that what you say holds you prisoner because you have said what you said, and cannot take back what you have said!
   I suppose it's much like the blog I write here. I have become a prisoner of what I have written, except in this there is a way out - I can actually delete what I have written. But then people will have already have read what I have written, so I suppose deleting anything once read is much too late! My god, is there no escape?
    “Yes, just stop writing!”

   “You mean like that?”
   “Doesn’t look good does it?”
    “So you see I just can't do that, there are fans of ‘the Prisoner’ out there who enjoy my writing.”
    “And do you enjoy what you are writing?”
    “Then I cannot see what your problem is?”
    “But it's made a prisoner of me!
    “No, you've done that yourself my dear fellow. A prisoner of your own success I'd say.”
     “But what can I do?”
   “Do what you do best, and enjoy doing it. After all there are much worse things to be a prisoner of?”
   “You see, sometimes my other self knows best!"

Be seeing you...............and have a good weekend.

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