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Tuesday 7 May 2013

The Therapy Zone

    Oops, there's been another cock-up! This despite the Prisoner being technically innovative and generally ahead of its time. But even high this high quality piece of television is not exempt from the occasional continuity mistake as presented here, commencing with Arrival.
    In Arrival when the Prisoner  is up in the bell tower the bell strikes 11. Yet later in the episode No.2 invites the Prisoner for breakfast!
    When the Prisoner walks across the lawn in the opening sequence, the squares can be seen where the chessboard had once been laid. Some of the squares where the white boards had been laid down had turned yellow.
    In Arrival at the cafe, The Prisoner asks a waitress if there is a telephone he can use. There isn't one at the cafe, but there is a phone box around the corner. The Prisoner then walks round the corner, and beneath the yellow and white arch is the telephone kiosk. But when the Prisoner is trying to make his call it can be plainly seen that the telephone kiosk is under a plain stone arch of the curve of a plain stone wall. This being opposite the pink and white cottage of Unicorn.
    Just like the Prisoners edited route round London, so too is the Prisoners taxi ride around the village on the morning of his arrival. On the other hand, if you have not been to the Italianate village of Portmeirion, the Prisoners edited taxi ride is not easy to spot, if you don't know Portmeirion that well.
    In Arrival a man wearing a striped jersey is set upon by the white membranic Village Guardian. But when the man is being suffocated he can be seen wearing a pink blazer with black piping, who is No.100 of Its Your Funeral!
    In Arrival the electrics truck is seen passing beneath the balcony of the Prisoners cottage of 6 private. Yet in the next shot the electrics truck is parking up outside the door of 6 private.
    In ‘Arrival’ No.6 attempts to escape by helicopter, yet when the helicopter is supposed to be airborne the rotor blades are not turning.
    When ‘Arrival’ the helicopter lands on the lawn and No.6 emerges from the cabin, the village guardian come bounding along and in the background the smoke coming from the Old Peoples Home can be seen going back into the chimney! This is due to the reversal of the film, a common method when the village guardian is about.
    When the Prisoner identity card drops in the filing cabinet marked RESIGNED you can see the join of the painted backdrop, which makes the filing cabinet room look larger that it actually is.

    Last week No.14 was an old lady in a wheel chair. She's new here, and she's one of them! This is a continuation of my series of exposes revealing the darker side of the village, with the doctor No.14 forced to use her new wonder drug, which she has developed, on No.6 while it has not even been tested on animals!
 But in the doctors defence, if she had not carried out the experiment, then No.2 would have seen the drug used on her! The idea is to get into No.6's dreams, this to discover why No.6 was going to sell out, what he had to sell, and to whom he was going to sell it! Trouble was it all began to go pear shaped for No.2 from this moment.
         When No.6 opens his eyes and sees the doctor standing over him with a syringe in her hand, and her image appears on the wall screen. Had the doctor told No.2 of this, or had No.2 not been facing away from the screen and seen this for himself, then the result might have been very different.
    The doctor-No.14 had been forced into this situation, and it is quite obvious that she had a sympathy for the subject, seeing as she was not disappointed at the end, nor had she informed No.2 of the above event. But this does not excuse this experiment, which if successful would have prevailed as much as Leucotomies!

Be seeing you

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