Thursday 9 May 2013

The Therapy Zone

    Oops, there's been another cock-up! ‘The Chimes of Big Ben’ when as the helicopter lands on the lawn bringing Nadia to the village, a couple of the film crew can be seen at the far right of the shot.
    No.6 chops down a tree with a trunk of about 2 feet in diameter, from this he manages to carve out the hull of his boat of about 6 feet in diameter!
    In ‘A B and C’ when No.6 kicks out the grill at the base of the air-conditioning vent in the laboratory, his socks change colour!
    ‘Free for All’ sees No.6 attempting to escape by jet boat at high tide. However an ambulance is despatched across the beach at low tide to collect No.6 after being returned to the beach by the village guardian.
    When No.6 is electioneering, there is a shot over his shoulder showing trees behind the Gothic pavilion by the lawn in full leaf. yet in th next shot the trees have bare branches!
    In ‘The Schizoid Man’ No.6 is set to leave the village in a black Alouette helicopter with skids. Once airbourne the helicopter changes to the regular Alouette helicopter with floats. But once the helicopter lands its the black Alouette with skids again!
    When the Professor is typing his lecture notes in the General the carriage of the typewriter is so far to the left that the Professor is typing on the roller!
    Dance of the Dead sees No.2's scarf and badge keep changing position.
    During the opening moments of ‘Checkmate’ there is no chessboard on the lawn, but moments later there is a chessboard ready laid down!
    No.6 walks through the bandstand and emerges out of the base of the bell tower!
    Basil Hoskins-No.14 of ‘Hammer Into Anvil' makes an appearance in the following episode ‘It’s Your Funeral’ during No.6's Kosho practise.
    Patrick McGoohan appears in the episode ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling’ more than you might think. As more often than not McGoohan can be seen behind the wheel of his Lotus!
    During the fight scene of ‘Living In Harmony’ when the Judges boys were teaching the stranger that its not safe to go about without a gun, a young boy, a son of one of the film crew, wearing jeans and a holster complete with hand gun who can be seen watching the fight.
    When No.6 comes to his senses lying on the floor in the saloon during living In Harmony, he gets up and see the cardboard cut out of the Judge and his blazer is unbuttoned. But in the next scene as No.6 dashes out of the saloon his blazer is buttoned up!
   In ‘Arrival’ when the Brass Band emerges from the pink Gazzebo one of Portmeirions maids can be seen standing watching.
    When the lorry carrying the cage and escapees emerges from the tunnel during Fall Out, on the grassy bank there can be clearly see the figures of the film crew.

A Reported Prisoner On The Run
   Whichever way you look at it, he's an escaped prisoner on the run. No better than any escaped convict! "Considered to be dangerous, the Prisoner is not to be approached under any circumstances" the Chief Constable said today in a  statement.
   And a more rough looking escaped prisoner you are not likely to meet! Apparently the prisoner came ashore at Beachy Head, this was witnessed by the lighthouse keeper of the Beachy Head lighthouse. And according to James Fraser, the keeper of the light, the Prisoner then scrambled up the cliffs like a "Wee mountain Lamby," in a place along the cliffs where there had been a recent landslide of the cliff face due to the erosion of the chalk cliffs.
    By this time the police were hard on the trail of the said prisoner, who was apparently aided by a young gypsy woman, who gave him a cup of "hot broth" before sending him on his way.
   The police by this time had set up a series road block in the Beachy Head, Eastbourne, and Bexhill areas in an attempt to recapture the escaped prisoner. Although it is possible that the prisoner has found a way round the road blocks, especially if he is not travelling by road. On foot, but over open countryside is more the likely. However it was suggested that the Prisoner might have found another way. By secreting himself unbeknown to the driver, inside the back of a truck or lorry, after the said truck or lorry had passed safely through a road block.
    It is thought that the escaped prisoner is heading for London, where he is expected to meet with old friends who might harbour the said prisoner and help get him out of the country. I asked the Chief Constable today what this escaped prisoners crime was? The Chief Constable told me that the prisoner was doing "life" for an undisclosed crime, for which he was unable to give a reason for at this time.

Be seeing you

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