Saturday 11 May 2013

There Never was A Number 1!

    How was Patrick McGoohan going to wrap it up 'Once Upon A Time,' to solve the question of who Number 1 is?
   According to Tony Sloman, Film Librarian on the Prisoner, he says that McGoohan was never going to solve the question. There never was a Number 1. Pat McGoohan was Number 1. We were all Number 1. There was never a Number 1. The extra shots were never there on the original. That was the end.
   Because Once Upon A Time was originally just another episode, being one of the early written episodes. The piece at the end, where the Supervisor asks No.6 what he desires? To which No.6 replies "No.1" was later added
   And yet there is another way of looking at it. According to Village history of THEPRIS6NER, No.1,100 says "There is no Number One. There never has been, and there never will be. The concept of the Number Two is an act of humility. The title reminds us that we are all public servants, even Number Two. No-one is Number One!"
Makes you think... doesn't it?
Be seeing you

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