Wednesday 8 May 2013

Thought For The Day

    When it comes to the arrival of the Professor and his wife in the Village, together with the experiment of Speedlearn, it is something which didn’t simply happen overnight after 'The Schizoid Man.' I think in 'the Prisoner,' what we see only a fraction that actually takes place in the Village, logic must dictate that. And I have long since been of the opnion that what we do not see in 'the Prisoner' can be as fascinating as that which we do see. However to "fill in" any such gaps in 'the Prisoner,' such as what took place the day after 'Free For All' with the new female No.2 having just taken up office. Or was that it for that particular new No.2, to oversee the final scene of 'Free For All,' to be simply replaced by No.2 of 'The Schizoid Man.'
   Of course any attempt to "fill in" any such gaps in 'the Prisoner' would be open to fictional interpretation, which would also apply to the question of when did the Professor and his wife arrive in the Village?

Be seeing you

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