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Thursday 2 May 2013

What's That New No.2 Up To?

    It would appear that the new No.2 is reluctant to take up his position as his term of office begins. Pictured here, the new No.2 begs the out-going No.2 to take him with him! And that's when the departing No.2 picks up the telephone and asks for instructions.
    "Yes I know, its highly irregular. But who is to say that no former No.2 has left the Village in such a manner.............. Well we can't all be the same...........I know, but at least we didn't damage the tissue!......... Well all went according to plan...... You can to ask my successor about that............ well he's here now. Do you wish to speak to him.......... No, well I didn't think you would. Sorry old chap, nothing doing!"
    So it looks like the new No.2 has been left holding the baby, and one can only speculate what life here will be like under this new No.2's reign of office. Although for the majority of the citizens, life will go on here in the Village much the same as it has always done, and remain unaffected, for however long or short a term of office this new No.2 serves.

Be seeing you

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