Friday 14 June 2013

Caught On Camera!

"Hold it!"
     I bet those two words made the Prisoner's heart miss a beat! "Hold it!" He was standing on the green of Marble Arch at the time. He spun round..........
    To see a man crouching as he took a photograph of his daughter {and it really was his daughter as he was a member of the production crew} at the war memorial.
    It must have come as a relief to the Prisoner that "they" had not laid hands on him quite so soon.
    {Footnote: I had occasion to go through the episode 'Many Happy Returns' via the 40th anniversary Network DVD boxset. And because I don't use these DVD's to sit and actually watch the series, I had not before realised that the two words are missing from this scene..... "Hold it!"}

Be seeing you

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