Saturday 15 June 2013

The Therapy Zone

I Know too Much About You!
   This is what No.6 told No.2 during their, shall we say deliberations, during their time together in the embryo room. So just how did No.6 know too much about No.2?
   Well towards the end of Fall Out we see the ex-No.2 dressed in Bowler hat and business suit enter the Houses of Parliament. The Prisoner lived in the City of Westminster, he parked his car in Abingdon Street car park on his way to handing in his letter of resignation that day. So perhaps these two, the Prisoner and No.2 were aware of each other long before their introduction in the village!

The New No.2
   The new No.2 is someone all fans of the Prisoner are very familiar with, so Ian McKellen as the new No.2 will pose no problem for fans. As for a new No.6 - Jim Caviezel, well that shouldn't be a problem either if you think about it. After all there have been so many new No.2's, and numerous No.8's in the village, Nadia Gray during The Chimes of Big Ben, and Rosalie Crutchley in Checkmate, and Alexis Kanner in Living In Harmony to name but three. Not to mention No.14, who only last week was an old woman in a wheelchair, but now a doctor in A B & C, and later No.14 is an assistant to No.2 during the episode of Hammer Into Anvil. And don't forget No.113, a one time contributor to The Tally Ho during the election period of Free For All, but by the time of Hammer Into Anvil was an old woman who died a month ago!
   So you see by these few examples one can see how citizens in the village come and go. They die, or are promoted or demoted. and so we see that numbers are just about the only constant in the village, which all goes to demonstrate that the No.6 we know - Patrick McGoohan - may not have been the first, second, or even third No.6 in the village. But he was most certainly the new No.6 of his time.

I'll be seeing you No.6, whoever you are at the time!

Patrick McGoohan
   I wonder how Patrick McGoohan felt about this reinterpretation of ‘the Prisoner’? Of course we shall never know, but I do know he had read the scripts, and showed a very favourable response to them. He would have seen that THEPRIS6NER was very kind to McGoohan’s creation, and I’m sure that he would have realised that the series was not a remake, but a reinterpretation, or reinvention of ‘the Prisoner.’ I think that it was the media as a whole who gave this series the kiss of death, in the way they continually referred to THEPRIS6NER which is it not.

Be seeing you

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