Monday 17 June 2013

Quote For The Day

    "A lot of people are curious about why lies behind your resignation"
                                                  {No.2 - Arrival}
     So it's not just No.1 who wants to know, if he wants to know at all! "A lot of people." To me it's the Prisoner's ex-colleagues who want to know the reason behind his resignation. Starting with the Colonel and working upwards, perhaps as far as Sir Charles Portland!

    "Why did you resign? Why, why prematurely?"
                                      {No.2 - A Change of Mind}
    Prematurely? Was the Prisoner's resignation inevitable then? It was expected? Being only a question of time? Perhaps that's why he was under surveillance, they didn't want to lose him. So that when once he had resigned, they had him incarcerated in the Village!

Be seeing you

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