Monday 17 June 2013

Thought For The Day

   I heard something on the radio in June, and it seeded the following thought. When it comes to freedom, how much freedom can the Village afford? Because there is a certain amount of freedom within the Village. To some extent citizens are permitted to do as they please, as any number of activities are organised to entertain them. Also citizens are allowed to find their own amusement. Even Number 6 is left to his own devices, to some extent, as they didn't stop him building his private gymnasium in the woods. There is freedom within the prison!

Be seeing you


  1. German sociologist and philosopher Herbert Marcuse called it "repressive tolerance", the trademark of capitalist societies. You're allowed anything as long as it doesn't hamper the business of those at the controls, so to speak. His coining became very popular in the late 1960s, accidentally when The Prisoner was produced, during the student's movement in (West) Germany, France and the USA. I know, one could fill books about that. It has been done already. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      An interesting comment, not knowing of Herbert Marcus, I feel I cannot comment further. IPerhaps I'll check him out when I get a moment.

      Very kind regards

  2. Admittedly, my comment is as general as it is illusive. Because the conditions, the Western capitalist societies on the one hand and those of the Village on the other hand, aren't really a match, politically or with regard to sociology. Marcuse left Germany for the USA in 1933 or 34 after the Nazis had taken over governmental power. He stayed there and worked as a professor. His work, his philosophy was extremely influential on the student's movement. And, "repressive tolerance" is something reaching out into our own Village. I really think so. But have a look: - BCNU!

  3. Hi David,
    I'd like to think that the comfort of todays prison cells is determined by your employment status and/or wealth. At times they can be very comfortable, admittedly, you don't even have to realize that there is one...

    This topic always reminds me of Number 6 speech:
    There are those who come in here and deny that we can supply every conceivable civilized amenity within our boundaries. You can enjoy yourselves... and you will.

    It sound threatening, doesn't it?

    Very kind regards,

    1. Hello Jana,

      Here in Britain prison cells are far too comfortable, and the prison authorites have finally recognised that fact. So that any privileges of any kind, like having a television set etc has to be earned.

      No.6 in that speech from the stone boat doesn't sound any different to any other No.2, especially when it comes to taking part in the most hazardous sports, and you will! That the good citizens can enjoy themselves, and they will, whether they like it or not! Yes I agree, No.6's speech does sound very threatening!

      Very kind regards

  4. Hello David,
    same here in Germany. Lucky one who has the possibility to "earn" his comfort. But media mostly does a really good job to disguise the walls. And at the same time the prison builders lure the people with credits to by their "freedom", e.g. the new TV Set or Handy or .. yeah.
    Best wishes,
