Wednesday 26 June 2013

The Prisoner Under The Spotlight

   In his first electoral speech, No.6 begins by making the electorate laugh, "I'm not a number, I'm a person" says he. He goes on to tell it like it is, "At some time, in some place, all of you held a position of a secret nature, and had knowledge that was invaluable to an enemy. The candidate goes on to say that like him, the citizens in the Village are here to have that knowledge protected, or extracted! But then he goes on about accepting their situation of imprisonment, and dying there like "rotten cabages," Just how do rotten cabbages die, I've never known! And then No.6 goes on about those who have gone over to the side of their keepers, and tells the electorate that he intends to discover them, which is which? How many of each? He asks who is standing next to them now? He intended to discover them, who are the prisoners, and who the warders. Well as we know he did eventually find out who some of the warders are, and some of the prisoners, little good it did him!
   So let us move on to his second electoral speech, the one given from the top of the forecastle of the Stoneboat. "There are those who come in here and deny that we can supply every conceivable, civilised amenity within our boundaries." He must be making reference to those "special imports" the Village enjoys from time to time. Like LP records, cameras, and Cuckoo Clocks! He goes on to tell the citizens that they can enjoy themselves, "and you will" {whether you want to or not}, that you can partake in the most hazardous sports and you will {again whether you like it or not} and he could be talking about Kosho, that's definiately a hazardous sport if I've ever seen one. And for all this, the price is cheap, all the citizens have to do in exchange, is give us information, No.6 is already sounding like No.2, he even offers the possibility of promotion to perhaps more attractive spheres. He teases the electorate by asking them where do they desire to go? When he knows perfectly well that the citizens are going nowhere, therefore it is an empty electoral promise! He asked the electorate what has been their dream, and he tells them that he can supply it, in winter, spring, summer or fall, shouldn't that be autumn instead of fall? Americans use the word fall for autumn, that casts a slight shadow over No.6 nationality. But in any case, if we apply to No.6, it will be easier and better. Possibly meaning that life will be easier on the prisoners, and that No.6 will find a better way in the Village! But for me, it's that talking about enjoying yourselves and you will, that you can partake of the most hazardous sports and you will, sounds threatening, don't you think?

Be seeing you

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