Wednesday 26 June 2013

Thought For The Day

    'Once Upon A Time,' or 'Degree Absolute' as was the episode's original title. It's the ultimate test which the President said No.6 had survived. In this episode No.6 is put through yet another ordeal, that of Degree Absolute, a recognised method, used in pshycoanalysis. The patient must come to trust his doctor, sometimes in extreme cases, they change places. That is a risk. So I've a mind that No.6 was not the only one being put to the test!



  1. Hello David,
    I like this idea, that it wasn't only Number 6 who was put to the test. Yes, maybe it has been a test for Number 2, too. I could also imagine that he was fully aware of that, and even realized that he could loose. Because I think he knew right from the start that Degree Absolute was a grave risk, if the doctor has his own problems, and he had.

    Very kind regards,

    1. Hello Jana,

      No.2 laid his life on the line, no greater act a man can do, than give his life for the cause! He is a good man, but he knows that if they get No.6 that he will be better. He knew the danger to himself, for No.2 it became a question of his own survival.
      I sometimes wonder what would have happened, if No.6 had actually killed No.2 with that fencing foil? After all the door was still time locked, he would have been trapped there with the butler and No.2's corpse!

      Very kind regards

  2. No. 2 was certainly aware of the imminent danger in "Degree Absolute". But after all it was he who demanded that step. In a way it was a test for both of them but initially, I take it, it was to be one for No. 6 only. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      Yes No.2 did demand the step he had to take, but he saw it as being the only way. A test only for No.6 yes, but it developed into a test for both of them, possibly for No.2 a test of survival.
      But had it been the other way, No.6 having died, and No.2 having survived, would No.2 then have been taken by the supervsior to take his place in the Chair of Honour? I wonder, and very much doubt it!

      Very kind regards

  3. There are 2 sides to the coin. No doubt, The Village/No.1 would have gained valuable information on the personality and the capabilities of No. 2 while trying to break into No. 6s mind. And right: No. 2 wouldn't have been offered the position of "ultimate power". - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      An interesting comment, because it strikes me that during 'The Chimes of Big Ben,' No.2 seemed, not so much to take a back seat, but second to the character of Nadia. Simply to oversee that No.6 and No.8 are brought together, and to oversee No.6's escape plan.

      Very best regards

  4. What strikes me about the idea of a test: When I think about this phone call, it seems as if the village is afraid to risk the ordeal not only because they don't want to risk to loose Number 6, but they don't want to loose Number 2, neither. He has to convince them - or Number 1, I don't know - that they'll win someone better if they loose him. In a way this doesn't sound as if the village wants to put Number 2 to a test. That it was one, in case of Number 2 maybe even a kind of self-test, is another question.
    Best wishes,

    1. Hallo Jana,

      During that telephone call, persumably with No.1, as we don't realisticly know No.2 is speaking to, it would seem that No.2 wants a longer period with No.6 in the Embryo Room, a week is too short a time, and suggests that No.6 might be damaged! So why the need for haste? Perhaps "they" were running out of time! You will recall how No.6 asked No.2 during 'The Chimes of Big Ben' if he was running out of time.
      Degree Absolute might have been a risk, and No.1 may have taken some persuading, but it was a risk No.2 was perpared to take. And as far as No.1 is concerned, No.2's are expendable, as we witness through the entire series.

      Very kind regards

    2. Hello David,
      that's a good point, maybe they were really running out of time. This could explain why they finally approved the ordeal. But what's strange: First "they" were against Degree Absolute because of it's dangers, but then, when they finally approved it, they wanted it to end so soon that it was even more dangerous. That's very contradictory. I wonder what they had in mind with this decision.. Why the hurry? Indeed. Would one more week have made such a difference? And why? Perhaps also: whose chances were changed by this decision?

      Best wishes,
      Be seeing you!

    3. Hello Jana,

      When it comes to a question of time, the longer time is taken, the better the result! No.2 of 'A B and c' hadn't even got a week, was only given 3 days! Why the rush? Why put a man, who is obviously suffering from a stomach ulcer, under even more pressure? But in the question might not the answer lie? In haste, there is more chance of mistakes, and through mistakes lies the dismissal of No.2!

      Very kind regards
