Tuesday 30 July 2013

60 Second Interview With Number 14

   No.113 “Rumour has it, that you are an ex-Count."
    No.14: What's it got to do with you what I am?”
    No.113b “Smile” {click goes the camera}
    “Nothing, nothing at all.”
    “Well why don't you go away and bother somebody else!"
    “There's no need to get shirty about it, I'm only trying to do my job.”
    “Well go and try to do it elsewhere.”
    “You play a fine game.”
    “What of it?”
    “Nothing, nothing.”
    “Then why mention it?”
    “Your ancestors.”
    “What about my ancestors?”
    “They used to play chess.”
    “So do a lot of other people.”
    “Yes but not using their retainers, and having their heads chopped off when they were wiped off the board, they don't!”
     “What are you suggesting young man?”
     “That here you are living out the good old days playing chess with citizens of the Village.”
    “No-one's lost their head yet, have they?”
    “Well they might if you don't stop bothering me with your insinuations.”
    “Can I quote you on that Number 14?”
    “Get out of my sight!”
   {At that point myself and my photographic colleague beat a hasty retreat.”

Reporter No.113
Photographer No.113b

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