Tuesday 30 July 2013

The Therapy Zone

Like A Caged Tiger!
    Sounds like the Prisoner/McGoohan to me! We see in a few episodes of ‘the Prisoner’ how No.6 paces the floor of his cottage, even when eating a sandwich and drinking a coffee or tea, like some caged Tiger. You will recall No.2 asking the Colonel in the episode of ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling’ "What sort of opinion to you form from this fellow?" the Colonel replied "Anyone who spends his time doing that {pacing up and down in his cottage}must be rather stupid!"
    Well in an interview with Script editor and writer of ‘Living In Harmony,’ Ian Rakoff said that he went to MGM for an interview with McGoohan, and when he got into McGoohan's office, he was pacing up and down like a caged Tiger!
    So it appears to me, that No.6 pacing up and down like a caged Tiger in his cottage, is a throw back to how it is in his production office. The both being one and the same!

Simon Bates
    Carried out an interview with Patrick McGoohan, I wonder how he managed to arrange that, back in 1990 when McGoohan came to England and the NEC in Birmingham to collect the keys to his new Caterham Super Seven.
    Simon Bates had this to say about Patrick McGoohan; "he was strange. He told me at the start that he hadn't given anyone an interview for 20 years and he wouldn't be giving another for the next 20 years.
    "Then he ordered everybody else out of his hotel room, locked the doors and sat as far away as he could.
    "After ten minutes, he decided he had had enough and it was over."
Goodnight Children Everywhere
   The Prisoner was never intended as a children’s television series, but if that is true, why the heavy use of nursery rhymes, and snatches of nursery rhyme tunes, you can hear them throughout the series.
   No.6 himself was regressed back to his childhood in the episode Once Upon A Time, and before that No.6 was telling three children, in fact children anywhere who just happened to be listening, and that could have included the viewers for all I know, the fairy tale about The Girl Who Was Death, a very dark tale for children. But children’s fairy tales are like that, all you have to do is read Toby Twirl And The Wishing Well, that's as dark as any fairy tale!
   Over the years the Prisoner has attracted the attention of children of all ages of their generation. And then there's second childishness, as quoted by No.6 - William Shakespeare "Is second childishness and mere oblivion."
    We all like a good story don't we, and at any age there still remains some of the child within us. So goodnight children..... everywhere.

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