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Friday 5 July 2013

Caught On Camera!

     No.2 "How do you like it?"   
    No.6 "What is it?"
    "You are tking part in the first video phone experiment. We have mobile phones, as you can see. But now we can also see who we are talking to."
    "You can see me?"
    "Naturally, on the wall screen in my office."
   "Not very mobile!"
   "No system can progress without taking the first steps."
   {Yes damned big ones, seeing as how quickly No.2 appears at the door of No.6's cottage!}
Be seeing you


  1. No. 2's immediate, instantaneous, almost simultaneous appearance in front of the 6 Private door: how was it done? Probability A) their conversation was actually a pre-recorded message, the response to No. 6 was anticipated; probability B) No. 2 was a hologram (unlikely); C) the TV-No. 2 was an actor. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      As No.2 said "They are, damned clever!"

      Very Kind regards
