Tuesday 2 July 2013

Teabreak Teaser

    Why was the "late" No.2 resuscitated in 'Fall Out?' Was it simply that they could not let him rest in peace?



  1. The plain truth: because Leo McKern's appearance needed to be adjusted months after filming of "Once Upon A Time". The "higher" truth: No. 2 wasn't really dead. And he himself was unaware of it. I tend to be convinced about that. Why and how it was all done remains a different question to be answered, however. - BCNU!

  2. It's a little bit ironic that it was in a way Sirs - McGoohans - wish to "resuscicate" McKern for the series, isn't it?

    But I agree, I too think maybe he survived. For the village this trick was a great chance to demonstrate their all-pervading power.

    Kind regards,

  3. Hello Arno and Jana,

    That's perfectly correct, After his role as No.2 in 'Once Upon A Time.' Leo McKern had moved on, hence his own change of appearence for a film he had been working on. He had originally said after 'Once Upon A Time,' that he would not work with McGoohan ever again, after being driven to a nervous breakdown while working on that episode. But of course McGoohan talked Leo into coming back for 'Fall Out.'

    I used to be of the opinion that No.2 had simply been drugged. But in later times it has been the President's use of the phrase "A "late" Number Two." "Late" as in dead! And it was that which lead me to think that No.2 had been dead, but was resusciated in time to bring him back.

    Kind regards to you both

  4. Unless we want to include or suppose any divine involvement here or the notion of a (Christian) miracle we cannot believe in resuscitation from the dead. The "Dem Bones" song notwithstanding. But we know the Village is always trying to make anyone believe it can do anything any time. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      A person can be dead for a few minutes, and yet be resusciated back to life, no need for devine intervention through resurrection, when you have a medical team on hand to resuscitate the patient, as they did in 'Fall Out.' Although, in reality, had No.2 died, by the time it took to resuscitate No.2, he would most probably have suffered brain damage!

      Very kind regards
