Tuesday 2 July 2013


   Giving birth to ones child is a painful, and stressful enough process as it is, but to give birth to ones son 11-12, even if he was conceived outside The Village, as M2 did in her hallucinating, and sedated state of mind. I mean to go through all the pain of childbirth, and at the same time M2 keeping her mind focused on The Village is surely something else!
    So, Michael was working for Summakor as an observer. watching people, writing reports on them, and sending those reports up to the next floor in the Summakor building. Michael it seems is partly responsible for The Village, that must have come as something of a shock to him. But of course Michael discovered what Summakor was doing, what he was doing, all those reports, those people he sent to The Village. So Michael resigned his job, and found himself waking up somewhere in the mountains and the desert as we witnessed at the outset of ‘Arrival.’ Just as though after his resignation Michael was simply ejected from the Summakor building, and out into the desert! But the trouble with that is, it doesn't make any sense of the Summakor building in New York, at which Michael arrived in in his car! Because the Summakor buildings must be in the desert close to The village, as Six could see his counterpart two times Six standing on the street corner. Perhaps there are two places where one can exist at the same time, as in the case of the Shopkeeper and the "Access man" in the basement of the Summakor building. That would explain why it's possible for the people who were brought to The Village to go back to their other lives in the "other place," and why those who were born in The Village cannot. Because those born in The Village have had no other life, they come from no "other place," and therefore have no other place to go, and why "Village is best for them" as M2 explained to her son 11-12.
    The "Go In" bar where Two found his son. A Penny Farthing is suspended from the ceiling, we've seen it before in the episode Anvil, but here in Schizoid Two looks up at the Penny Farthing and gives a little chuckle to himself. Recognition from Two of things as they once were, homage paid to McGoohan's the Prisoner series, a nice touch.
   So, if Six and twice times Six become one, together they can beat Two. But according to the teachings of Village history there never was a Number One! So it seems that it's not just science that can be perverted, so too can the teachings of Village history. And this twice times six, and Six becoming One, would have sat very nicely in ‘Fall Out!’
    Two wants Six to kill Two, an echo from ‘Once Upon A Time,’ and what's more Six still couldn't do it! There was another echo from the original series, the way the Shopkeeper reported the activities of Six and the impersonator of Two, to Two at the Clinic. I wonder whose voice the Shopkeeper heard on the telephone? A pre-recorded message by Two himself no doubt. This in the same way he hd pre-recorded his message sent out over the Village through the public address system about those who impersonate Two, who should be reported immediately as they are a danger to the Village.
   As un-Two we see Two's exocentric side of his character. The way he talks to 147 describing himself as being a traveller with no number. The way he enjoys his cherry cake at 147's home are but two such examples. But Two feels pain, I can see it in his face at times, despite his having "Deathly cold eyes!" Two might not show it too often, but he feels the pain of what he has to do to his wife, and must keep on doing for the sake of the Village, for the sake of the community at large.
   I thought we were getting in a bit deep when Six has a double, which I'm still not too sure about, and Two has an alter ego, which was really himself, I thought they had gone too far. But with  the Shopkeeper existing in two separate places at the very same time, as the Access guy in the Summakor building, "they" went one step further than too far!
    So, if two times Six doesn't exist, who cut Six's face with the knife?
    Since when did Two go about driven in a Bentley convertible? Obviously this is something we as the viewer have not been privy to!
    In some ways the words of the President of Fall Out ring true for M2, "Remember us, don't forget us, keep us in mind," for that is exactly what Two's wife must do. Otherwise it's a sad look out for the Village and it's community.

Be seeing you

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