Thursday 11 July 2013

Teabreak Teaser

    In 'The Chimes of Big Ben,' why is No.2 glad that No.6 is in the Village?



  1. Where else could he have found such a dialogue partner of that calibre!? - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      That's very good, hadn't thought of that. I was looking for something a little deeper. But then as I've always thought, the simple answers are quite often the best.

      Very kind regards

  2. Also, perhaps No.2 knew No.6 (or of him) before No.6 was sent to the Village and agreed with the decision to send him there.
    Who knows...maybe No.2 was even part of the decision making process to get No.6 in the Village?

    Maybe No.6 was earmarked for the Village and his resignation was the final straw!

    Be seeing you

    1. Hello ZM72,

      How are you? I've been meaning to email you, but knew that you would be extremely busy. So I was holding back. However I will email you later today.

      That's an interesting thesis you have there. And perhaps No.6 had known No.2 in his former life outside the Village, or at least have knowledge of him. After all No.6 did say to No.2 in 'Once Upon A Time,' I know you," although that might have been because of 'The Chimes of Big Ben!"
      I have the theory that it was the Village that the Prisoner reigned from. After all there had been a "falling out" amongst friends, which is a form of resignation. And then as soon as he could, having returned to London from the Village in 'Fall Out,' he went to hand in his resignation.

      Very kind regards
