Thursday 11 July 2013

Village Life!

   It would appear that the recent government cuts in spending are biting hard in the Village. Seen here, the delegates of the Assembly demonstrate their outrage at the cut in the catering budget.
   In short, it means no more biscuits, especially those proper biscuits, the one's with the cream inside!
    There has been a recent govenment scandal about of money spent on biscuits, and the citiznes are outraged by this. And so questions have been asked in Assembly, thus producing this protest on the benches. There is also the very grave danger of the Village actually being shut down if the government withdraws funding completely. The Village is at stake, it's the biscuits or the Village, what say you?
   "Hip, hip hooray!"



  1. Worse still, due to the spending cuts the face masks will be only plain-coloured in the future and have either a smiling or a seriously shaped mouth. No demand for multi-faceted, ambiguous stuff these days... BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      Even worse, in the future they'll be lucky to even be able to afford the masks!

      I've heard of these people before, petty minded, faceless bureaucrats that are supposed to govern us so wisely. Why not the members of the Assembly as the "collective" No.1? After all each of these delegates represent different aspects of society!

      No more biscuits, so why not cut out the tea and coffee, and teabreaks altogether. That leads to more productivity time "Less tea - more work!"

      Very kind regards
