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Wednesday 10 July 2013

The Therapy Zone

The Village Goes Ballistic!
    It has been confirmed that the village has acquired weapons of mass destruction which the accompanying photograph taken at the time of launch confirms. An International monitoring team is due to leave for the village within the next 24 hours.... well they would if they knew the precise location of the village, and indeed which side was running the village they would!    Questions are now being asked in the both the House of Commons and House of Lords, and of course the burning question here in the village is........... where is No. 1?

    “Hammer Into Anvil - This episode marks a return appearance of Patrick Cargill, previously seen as Thorpe in ‘Many Happy Reruns,’ but the two characters are not meant to be the same. This situation does occur throughout the series, with certain actors playing different parts in some episodes. Filming of The Village was an odd mixture of studio mock-up, Borehamwood locality and second unit Portmeirion footage. McGoohan only appears in The Village proper a couple of times, being film from previous episodes. There are also several back shots which are actually Frank Maher. Again, much of Portmeirion is seen and the story is usually a strong favourite, almost provoking boos from the audience aimed at No.2 and cheers for No.6. The Episode is effectively a two man show, as occurs with the later episode ‘Once Upon A Time.’ ‘Hammer Into Anvil’ also represents one of the rare examples of No.6 actually winning against The Village. A coded message appears in McGoohan's own handwriting.
    It is thought that script editor George Markstein was keen to play up the spy aspect of the series. Department names such as D6 and XO4 had hints of MI5 about them. The Cold War element may also have come from the title, if likened to the 'Hammer and Sickle'. The graveyard seen on the beach in Arrival in this story moves to a memorial garden."

    You know, it's still there, buzzing around like some demented bee stuck inside my head THEPRISONER I mean.............There are still questions to be found at the bottom of the barrel........You see I still don't quite get it, I know how people were watched by Michael at Summakor, reports then written on those people he had been watching, just as others have been doing, but what happened to those reports which were sent up to the next floor in the Summakor building? Surely Helen couldn't have read all those files on hundreds and hundreds of people. How on earth were they fed into Helen's unconscious mind? After all in the final episode "newcomers” were being brought into The Village in bus loads!
   And here, is the Therapy Zone! Gone is the cosy cave where a scientist brews his brew, and where you can go and be an alcoholic in perfect privacy, just as long as you rejoin the flock in good time. But not here. I don't know what kind of treatment goes on in this place, and to be honest I'm not sure I want to. A dark, frightening place where Two can send a little girl without a second thought. And "Rover" turned up on the scene why? Because Six was rescuing 313 from the Therapy Zone, and Six was afraid, and his fear is always represented by the appearance of "Rover," you've noticed that in the series of course.
   As for myself, I've my own little corner in the Therapy Zone of the Dog & Duck public house, where I shall be spending a quite hour or two with a bottle of good claret, or failing that, the house white!

Be seeing you

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