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Wednesday 3 July 2013

The Therapy Zone

Downright Daft!
   The lighthouse in ‘The Girl Who Was Death’ could best be described as a "madhouse," full of "little" Napoleons!" And a more bungling bunch you would be hard pressed to find!

   If there's one thing I can draw a parallel to The Village, it would be "Meadowlands" of the 2007 television series Cape Wrath. Like The Village, Meadowlands was situated in the middle of nowhere, with nothing in all directions but desert and mountains for mile upon mile.

Number 9
   She claims that she was going to escape with Cobb. She had been assigned to Cobb, and then having been assigned to No.6, why No.9 didn't go with No.6 on his escape attempt? Oh I know she said she never intended to escape without Cobb, and yes she did know that it was all a put up job. But she could have seen her assignment out to the end, by seeming to try and escape with No.6!

    It was an ironic touch by the Colonel of ‘Many Happy Returns’ when their ex-colleague asked about the police road block. "Nothing to do with you my dear fellow, an escaped convict.” And before that little scene, there was No.6 asleep in the back of that truck, when suddenly there was the sound of cars and a police siren. Suddenly being awakened from his sleep No.6 is quick to react. He leaps down from his resting place and out of the back of the moving truck, out into the road of moving traffic. Had a bus, taxi or some other vehicle have been travelling close behind No.6 could have been killed. Injured certainly, and that would have meant hospitalization then what of the chances of returning No.6 to the Village, an abduction from the hospital perhaps?

  No.51 the Watchmaker, who has lived in The Village for many years. His profession is a watchmaker, and he has his own shop, in much the same way as No.19 runs, or is it 56? The General Store. He has a daughter, Monique-No.50, but no wife. Presumably his wife died some time ago. But it is never realised whether or not No.51 came to The Village of his own free will, or as a prisoner. If as a prisoner, then why was his wife and daughter brought to The Village? Therefore is it quite on the cards that the little watchmaker came to The Village of his own free will, along with his wife, with Monique having been born in The Village.
   Of course much of the above is pure speculation, as we do not know enough about this character to say one way or another. But one thing I can say, is that I have a favourite line spoken by No.51 “I must get on with my work!”

And so must I, be seeing you

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