Saturday 31 August 2013

10th Anniversary - The Prisoner Variations

    It is exactly ten years today, by both date and day, that the book launch of 'the Prisoner Variations took place. 29 short stories based on and around the 1960's television series 'the Prisoner.'
   The book launch took place over a day and a half in the Prisoner shop in Portmeirion, and was quite a remarkable experience. The lady serving in the Prisoner shop, said she knew very little about 'the Prisoner,' and was much relieved by having me with her in the shop. So much so that, when customers asked her questions, she referred them to me. Two ladies wanted to purchase episodes of 'the Prisoner,' but only ones that contained the most film footage of Portmeirion. So I was happy to advise them. So there I was, an author signing copies of my book, and working as a shop assistant in the Village at the same time. I have to say that I was thoroughly in my element, and loved every single minute of it.
    Some people said some very strange and mystifying things. For example, one woman told me that her husband was ill, and would be dreadfully disappointed for not having met me. She did not buy a copy of my book, but asked me to write a little message for him in her Portmeirion brochure, and would I sign it. One chap put a video of 'the Prisoner' on the table and asked me to sign that! Others asked me if I was in the Prisoner shop every weekend? One chap came in and fixed me with a stare and said I was younger than he had expected, then proceeded to ask me some very searching questions about what had been in McGoohan's mind, at various points in the series' production? I managed to answer his questions and he went away happy. At one point I saw a young Japanese woman looking at me intently through the throng in the shop, then I saw her speaking to another woman. I hasten to add that I was not dressed in a piped blazer, or in my 'Arrival' suit {exact to the one worn by Patrick McGoohan in the series} in fact I deliberately went out of my way not to dress in any form of Village attire, but dressed to look like what I am, a writer. So then the woman, who the Japanese woman had been speaking to, approached the table I was sitting at, busy signing copies of my book. She told me that her friend had just remarked how much like Patrick McGoohan I looked. And that was me just being me!
    Happenings such as this continued throughout the Saturday, much to the amusement of both 60f1 members and ex-members alike, who had come to Portmeirion especially for the book launch. One friend had driven to the Village in his Caterham Super 7, which was then parked in Battery Square opposite the Prisoner shop all that day, and featured in many photo shoots. One man came into the Prisoner shop asking is there was a Prisoner Convention that weekend, he was disappointed to learn that there was not. However, such was the feeling of happiness in the atmosphere, that it actually felt like there was a Convention taking place.
   Then on the Sunday, suddenly everything became clear, a couple came {quite literally} bounding into the Prisoner shop. They were absolutely beside themselves with excitement. They insisted on having their photograph taken with me, and started listing some of the various famous people they had met, including the Kennedy's. "And now" they said "we have met the man who wrote 'the Prisoner".........oh dear! sometimes discretion is the better part of valour. I hadn't the heart to burst their bubble., and tell them I was only 12 years old when it was first broadcast! So I steered the conversation away. But why so many people had also quite obviously thought this, I have no idea {perhaps they had not bothered to read the posters advertising the book launch outside the shop properly} but it is the only explanation for all the happenings on the Saturday.

Be seeing you


  1. How much longer before the promised follow-up, David?

    1. Hello Anonymous,

      You are but one of many who has asked this question over the years. You would not believe the difficulties anyone faces to get a book published in this country. this space!

      Very kind regards and thank you for asking.

  2. I thought you were self-publishing, David. What is stopping you apart presumably yourself?!

    1. Hello Anonymous,

      Things have changed since those days.

      Kind regards

  3. I don't understand, David. There are still plenty of vanity publishers about, while the recent Prisoner books of both Rupert Booth
    and Andrew Shenton
    have proved that the right book can get a professional publisher and receive 5-star rave reviews.

    1. Hello Anonymous,

      I thank you for your interest in this matter. However I have said all I am prepared to say at this juncture. All I can do is reiterate "Watch this space."

      Very kind regards
