Sunday 1 September 2013

The Therapy Zone

No.6 Likes His dream!
   Down on the beach on the evening of the ‘Dance of the Dead,’ No.6 tells No.2-Peter Pan, that he likes his dream. No.2 informs Mr. Tuxedo-No.6 that this, meaning the village, is his world, that she is his world. And if he insists on living a dream he may be taken for mad!
    Is this a warning to No.6 about the Village or his dreaming of a place somewhere he calls his world. But if the Village is his world and No.2 with it, as he actually lives his dream then there is no hope for him, and no escape. On the other hand, if it is the village that No.6 is dreaming about, then he must be taken for mad, but there is always the hope that perhaps one day the Prisoner will wake up from his nightmare dream - and then what price No.2 and the Village?
what Would Have Happened To The Prisoner Had He Not been Abducted To The Village? He would most probably have ended up at the Labour Exchange, and in some £11 a week job clerking. And that means his house at Buckingham Place, Westminster would have gone, reducing him to dreary, cheap and cheerful flat! although he might have been able to afford to keep his Lotus 7. And his file to become a yellow file and kept under surveillance. As he was in the first place!

Here's A Thing, A Very Curious Thing
    How during the time of the Prisoner's de-briefing by No.2 on the day of his arrival in the Village. No.2 reaches for a black file and when upon opening it, the wall screen depicts enlarged pictures contained within the file, which No.6 snatches from No.2's hands. But instead of turning the pages from the front of the file, No.6 opens it from the back and works backwards through the file, and turning the pages quickly as though in a race against those shown on the wall screen. But although the Prisoner was working through the pages of the file from the back, the enlarged pictures shown on the wall screen were in order from the front of the file!
    The pictures depict images taken from his former life, when he is seen in his former home getting ready to meet with a colleague, Chambers, who didn't turn up, but proved so talkative. Every facet of the Prisoner's former life is shown, perhaps in part even of McGoohan himself, from his childhood years to the time he was thinking of going on holiday, he was also suffering from a cold at the time, he sneezed his way out of one of their cameras! "Ireland? Bit too cold that time of year, Paris? Maybe not. What was that, sounded like a click in the mirror, over there, yes over there too!"
   It would appear that someone has been gathering images of the Prisoner's whole life, from the cradle to the act of his resignation. Not one single moment of the Prisoner's former life has been overlooked, entered and filed away for future reference. The evidence is conclusive and cannot be denied, that the Prisoner had been under surveillance by someone long before the act of his resignation, perhaps by his own people if he was suspect! And if not, then by another agency, another department, or even another country, and that would account for the gathering all the information on the subject as they could. I don't know how they missed his date of birth though! But then no organisation is infallible. Another example would be from ‘A B andC,’ they didn't know the age of 'B's' son, his name, or the fact that 'B' even had a son in the first place! Perhaps No.6 can be given a position of authority in "Information & Records."

Be seeing you

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