Tuesday 6 August 2013

All Our Convention Days

I had been looking through old information data discs, when I came across the following pictures taken at 'Prisoner' Conventions. Such as the first one of the re-enactment of Barney's Boxing Booth from 'The Girl Who Was Death.' Mister X out for the count!
  The human chessmatch, which satisfies the desire for power!
   Yes that really is yours truly at my first Convention in 1989.
   'It's Your Funeral!' As No.6 throws No.100 to the ground
   Pinning him down, and demanding a confession from No.100 in a re-enactment from 'It's Your Funeral' in 1997.
   It was the first time that a re-enactment had two pieces of action taking place at the same time, in the same re-enactment, what's more it worked. I was astounded by how well it had all gone.
   Next myself and Morag in a re-enactment from 'Dance of the Dead' just before No.2 tries to get No.6 fixed up with a date for Carnival.
   "You're Not thinking of Jumping?"
                                                                             "Cor! That's a long way down!"

The following pictures are scanned from a local group magazine, so the qualityis not what it might be I'm afraid. Pictures taken during the 1994 'Prisoner' Convention during the election parade.
    What we did was entertain, to see that people enjoyed the re-enactments both day visitors to Portmeirion at the time of the Conventions, as well as members of Six of One. While at the same time pushing the bounderies a little of what had previously taken place at earlier Conventions in the 1980's. Which didn't mean people standing about simply saying words from a script. Oh no, there were spills and thrills. A sense of danger in sword play, and in the fight scenes, stunts which were all carefully choreographed.

Be seeing you

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