Tuesday 6 August 2013

Personal Column

And Here Is A Message For No.6, it is from No.113.

    I asked No.113 why he sent such a message. No.113 told me that he hadn't written any such message! Well I know No.113, and if he said he didn't write the message for No.6, then he didn't write it! I told that to No.2, No.2 I said, No.113 told me he didn't write this message to No.6 and I believe him.......... "Of course he didn't write it you blithering idiot! No.113 wrote it!" But No.2, No.113 told me he didn't write it, so how could........ "No.113 was an old woman in a wheelchair - she died a month ago!" That would explain it then. "Explain what?" Why we've read nothing in The Tally Ho from No.113 recently! "Oh get out, get out!"

Be seeing you

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