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Thursday 1 August 2013

Number 1

    It is strange is it not, he way No.1 laughs and runs around the control room of the rocket, after being unmasked By No.6. There seems to be no rhyme nor reason to his actions. Perhaps it was done this way so that No.6 and No.1 would not be able to talk together in a question and answer confrontation! And would not such a confrontation be possibly too revealing? And in any case, would Patrick McGoohan have actually known what No.6 would have asked No.1 in that final confrontation, and if he did what No.1’s answers would be? At the time of filming the episode of 'Fall Out,' he was struggling anyway. He had no idea of how the series was going to end, and so putting words into No.1’s mouth would have been the last straw that broke the Prisoners back. And don’t forget, McGoohan’s speech was shouted down so that the viewer could not hear a word he said! So it was NBC for No.1 - NBC - no bloody chance, and the best way to attain that would be to have No.1 run around like a screaming banshee, then seal him up in the nose cone of the rocket and leave it to the viewers to figure it all out for themselves.
    And why No.1 Hides Behind his anonymity I cannot imagine. You would think that almost everyone who works behind the scenes for the village, such as the delegates of the Assembly, would know the identity of No.1. Perhaps they did, who is to say they did not. It would be stupid to think that No.1 remained isolated in that rocket from morning to noon. No.1 would have to eat, go to the toilet, unless of course he never takes his robe and masks off!
   ’D’ of A B & C once said "It is often the case with really important people. Anonymity is the best disguise." And that’s certainly true with members of the Assembly, for we know the identity of only two of it’s delegates, No.93 and the Supervisor-No.26. But do the delegates of the assembly know who each of them are I wonder? For they are the petty bureaucrats, those faceless men who are supposed to govern us so wisely! It is they who pull the strings from behind the scenes. So if No.1 is pulling the strings of the village, exactly who is pulling the strings of No.1? The members of the Assembly no doubt, who so ever they may be!
     It’s Symbolic, the way 6 Meets No.1. Symbolic in which way? Possibly in the way that unless one realises that you are the sole influence over your actions, you will remain a prisoner! Well that’s what they say, or someone once said. And only when No.6 realises that he is No.1, is he able to break free and escape his prison of the Village. Well that’s all fine and dandy, but No.6 didn’t escape. In fact he was as much a prisoner at the end as he was at the beginning!

Be seeing you

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