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Friday 9 August 2013

The Therapy Report

It has been said that;
 John Drake Never Carried A Gun  And Neither did Number Six! Well of course Number Six never carried a gun, well not in the Village. Where would he have got a gun to go carrying it about with him in the village? I mean to say, look at the fuss it caused whey they found No.6 in possession of a radio! As for John Drake, well he may not have carried a gun about with him, but he certainly has a gun, a Walther PPK which he keeps in his desk drawer in his flat. I saw it that time Lisa Lanzic called round to Drakes house in the ‘Danger Man’ episode ‘Fair Exchange.’

    If its difficult to tell which side is which in the Village. Its damned impossible to tell which side is which in ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling!’

   "Don't do anything rash - give him time" - No.2
   Not a lot might be your answer. This picture is taken from routine surveillance during the episode of Free For All, and the trouble with it is - that the mechanic is already wet! The mechanic certainly did give No.6 time, as the following dramatic photograph demonstrates. It also demonstrates that the mechanic was wet before he went into the water! How many takes? Well who can say, but there is certainly a question of continuity within the Prisoner because there doesn't appear to have been any!

It’s All Six Of One................... And None Of The Other!
In allegorical terms, if No.1 was No.6 all the time, then in all that time No.6 should have known what was going on all the time. Who No.1 is, where the village is, which side runs the village and right from the very beginning. And that being the case, No.1 must have known who No.6 was, why he was brought to the village, and how would react - surely. And that can mean only one thing – stalemate.
   Since when has Number Six been going about the Village wearing a cream blazer with black piping? I asked my Supervisor about this, and she informed me that it is none of our business. Or perhaps he simply fancied a change, people do you know.
   It is noted that Number Six is wearing his numbered penny farthing badge. Now I know that Number Six has only once worn his badge, that was on the following day of his arrival here in the Village, and that was for such a short time. Taking the badge off as he did, and tossing it into the back of the taxi like that, and hasn't worn it since So I reported to my Supervisor that Number Six had taken to wearing his badge. "Good" replied my Supervisor. “But don't you think it out of character for Number Six?” It was then that I was taken off observation of Number Six, and told to watch Number thirty-four instead!

    Footnote: I wonder what the Observers made of there being two Number Six’s in the Village?!

Twin Peaks
   Years ago when I watched the American television series ‘Twin Peaks’ for the first time, that of its original screening on British television. I thought "how much like ‘the Prisoner’ and ‘Twin Peaks’ are," in the fact that it raised so many questions with so few answers.
   Another parallel was that my workmates at the time, thought ‘Twin Peaks’ was a load of rubbish. Which is what many people thought of the Prisoner at its original British screening! As I was drawn to ‘the Prisoner,’ so to ‘Twin Peaks.’

Be seeing you Laura Palmer

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