Sunday 4 August 2013

The Therapy Zone

No.6 thinks So Much Of Himself!
    The Prisoner refuses to settle down, defends his rights as an individual. Refuses to give the reasons behind his resignation, to wear his badge, or acknowledge his number!
    There are also rules to which No.6 sees himself as not being subject to. And in ‘One Upon A Time’ he sees himself , and the business he carries out, as being "Above the law."
    Perhaps No.2 and the Village Administration are making the mistake of putting No.6 on a pedestal! Is No.6 really so important? After all, No.48 was in the same groove as No.6, in the way he also refused to wear or observe his number!

It’s Good For You....... It's Good For Someone!
   Well as No.6 once said, "The maids come, and they go!" Lucky No.6, a personal maid who brings him breakfast on a tray in the morning. Who does his dusting during the day, and in the evening another personal maid who comes and makes his nightcap for him "What is it?" "It's good for you" the old maid tells him. And No.6 certainly got through a number of personal maids, about 5 or 6 different one's if memory serves, but then they are the ones we see. There is no accounting for the ones we don't!

The One And Only Number 6
    This is the way in which No.2 once introduces No.6 to the electorate at the commencement of the election campaign. Of course he was the one and only! Seeing as how there is only ever one of any such number at anyone time in the village. But I wonder what No.6's predecessor was like?

Vote For Me And I’ll Be Ever So Comfortee
   It's quite remarkable really that no-one from the press asked any member of the electorate why they were voting for No.6! I mean would you have voted for N.6 and why? What had No.6 really to offer the community such as the Village?....... No I can't think of anything either!

The Dark And Brooding Character Of The Kid!
   The Kid's character has something in common with that diminutive figure of the Butler - neither one is heard to utter one single syllable! Of course we should not confuse the character of the Kid with that of No.8, who is able to speak, as so too is the Butler, that much the two characters have in common. Yet No.8's character shows that he is a sensitive soul, despite his outburst against No.2. Sensitive and broody, which is much like his alter-ego of the Kid, which finally shows itself when he strangles No.22 to death with his bare hands.
   So if No.1 is the evil alter-ego of No.6, then the same can be said of No.8 and the Kid. A dark psychotic side of his nature, with a jealous paranoia, and a temper which he finds difficult to control. I wonder what the Butlers alter-ego would be like, I find it difficult to image. Certainly it would be opposite to his character and nature with which we are all so familiar.

Be seeing you

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