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Tuesday 3 September 2013

60 Second Interview With The Labour Exchange Manager

No.113: “You look as though you're dressed for a wedding!”
    No.26-Labour Exchange Manager: “Merely camouflage I assure you”
    “You're not being individualistic are you?”
    “Of course. Black is such a dark colour don't you think?”
    “I hadn't really considered it before.”
   “You should my boy, you should. But where are my manners? Would you like some tea, oh please do sit down.”
   “What in that chair?”
    “Why yes.”
    “No.6 sat in that chair!”
    “Did he?”
    You know he did.”
{The manager pours out two cups of tea}
    “Well we won't argue about it. Sugar?”
    “Two lumps.”
   “Just a splash.”
    “Are you being honest?”
    “About what?”
    “The truth!”
    “I'm as truthful and honest as I am with other citizens here. See how I'm being honest with you.”
    “With everyone?”

    “Had you anyone specific in mind?”
    “Number 6”
    “You knew exactly what No.6 would do if he were elected as the new Number Two.”
    “Of course. Well he's so predictable you see. It made my task that much easier with him. Oh do sit down, your tea.”
    “Thank you, but no, not in that chair if you don’t mind.”
    “You're not being honest with me.”
    “Fair point. Its electrified!”
    “I had it electrified, so much more easier and secure, and far less cumbersome than leather straps.”
    “Subjects resist the truth test?”
    “Oh no! Just being restrained in that chair. They don't seem to like it. Wouldn't give me time to secure the leather straps!”
    “I'm not surprised.”
    “Won't you please sit down?”
    “It was at this point that I felt queasy, something in the tea? I became light headed, and had to sit down.”
    “Now my boy, this is merely the truth test. And everything you say is said in absolute confidence..........”

Reporter No.113
From the Department of Visual Records.


  1. Arthur Butterworth5 September 2013 at 17:41

    Looking at the Blu-ray edition it looks like the Labour Exchange Manager's number is 23.

    1. Hello Arthur,

      Good to hear from you. yes, you are quite right, my mistake! Thank you for drawing that to my attention.

      Very kind regards
