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Thursday 5 September 2013

Thought For The Day

   You know what today is don’t you, apart from it being Thursday, and being the 5th of September, and in that date lies the clue, if you didn’t know already. It’s 47 years since filming began on this date in 1966. In fact everyone concerned with filming ‘the Prisoner’ at Portmeiron had been there for a few days, and it poured down with rain for the first three days, and it wasn’t until the 5th that the weather broke, and for the rest of the month the sun shone on each and every day, that was lucky!
   To be perfectly honest I wasn’t going to bother to mention the 47th anniversary of the filming of ‘the Prisoner’ at Portmeirion. Because I feel the next big anniversary will be the fiftieth of the actual screening of ‘the Prisoner’ series which is still another four years away. Anyway nonetheless for that, I feel a screening of an episode coming on, ‘Checkmate’ in all probability.

Be seeing you


  1. To me this September date marks another anniversary of the different kind. Because it's been 22 years since I went to my very first Prisoner convention. Temperatures were in their highest 20s, even low 30s, plenty of sunshine over the whole weekend and the Village was crowded. The only indoor event that we were actually in was the screening of "The Prisoner Investigated". Absolutely gorgeous. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      Thank you for sharing that. For myself I tend to forget about such anniversaries. My very first Prisoner Convention was in 1989, and never missed one until 2001, which was my last Convention.

      I recall the screening of 'the Prisoner Investigated,' and afterwards I recall making a bee-line to the Prisoner shop to buy a copy of the video, also that of 'The Prisoner Investigated vol 2.'
      In fact I have all of Steven Ricks 'Prisoner Production' videos which he produced. They was not the best produced videos, and at times the quality is not that good. However, Steven Ricks was to be congratulated for his work, without which all the material he discovered, all the interviews with the many of the production crew and cast members he carried out, would have been lost forever.

      Very kind regards
