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Tuesday 8 October 2013

Thought For The Day

    Yin-Yang are opposites, they can be either end of a cycle as in the seasons of the year, or opposites in energy and matter. It is questioned whether Yin can exist without Yang, but there can be no night without day, no steam without water, the one activates the other, so Yin activates Yang, and vice versa. In other words for every Yin there is a Yang. And there is a balance betweenYin and Yang, and when you get either too much Yin or too much Yang an imbalance occurs.
   So it could be said that No.1 is Yin and No.6 Yang, although it could be said to be the other way around. And looking at the situation between No.1 and No.6, the one cannot exist without the other, that a balance between the two must be maintained.

Be seeing you


  1. I like this very much, too. Makes me think.
    Very kind regards,
