Sunday 10 November 2013

All Our Convention Yesterdays

Recently found, some forgotten photographs from the 1994 Prisoner Convention held at Portmeirion.

     "Checkmate" the human chess match. Oh dear, I'm holding my chess pole in the wrong hand!
    "That was a good move."
    "I know a better one, away from this place!"
   And now in 1995

   "Hold it!" Mister X having his photograph taken with one of Dr. Schnipps Marshal's looking on.
   Myself as Mister X in full costume, he's hoping to catch the girl who was death on camera! I remember how hot it was at the Convention that year in 1995, the temperature was well into the 90's'. And there I was in this costume, but then the re-enactment of Barney's Boxing Booth must go on!
   I recall that there were hundreds of people watching, members of Six of One and the general public {visitors to Portmeirion} alike; All filming on camera, and taking photographs of the re-enactment. The boxing ring was put out on the chessboard, and the late Rick Booth, he was a gentleman he was. I recall that it was he and Steven Ricks who in 1994 asked if I would portray the character of No.6 during that years Convention. They said they wanted someone who could portray the role accurately, and said in their opinion, I was the man for the role. Of course I bit their hand off for the opportunity.
    Mister X, about to take on the "Killer." This was the first ever performance of the re-enactmant of Barney's Boxing Booth in 1995, and was thoroughly appreciated by the audience.
   Out for the count! Who took these photographs of the re-enactmant? The Girl Who Was Death - my wife Morag.

Be seeing you

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