Sunday 12 January 2014

The Therapy Zone

   No.8 of Checkmate, who becomes part of an experiment which was previously carried out using Dolphins in underwater detection of Submarines. She is hypnotised into believing that she is in love with No.6, and he with her. Around her neck a locket containing a photograph of No.6, and miniature transistors, which record her emotions, sending them back to control to eventually become part of the Village alarm system.
   No.8 is a poor victim, and treated very badly by No.6, who she follows like a devoted dog. She offers to help No.6 with his escape plan, if it's a good one. She has often helped others with their escape plans, but none of which have ever succeeded. So that begs the question, just how many times has his poor individual been used against other Prisoners like No.6? What happens to No.8 after ‘Checkmate’ remains open to speculation, as we do not see her after she has given No.6 her locket. She is in no way involved with No.6's escape plan. No.8 does visit No.6 one evening in his cottage, she makes him his nightcap of hot chocolate, I wonder if she added the drug to it, as No.6's personal maids have done on a nightly basis? If she did, that wasn't very kind of her. No.8 is a woman to feel sorry for, her love rejected, she only wants to make No.6 happy. She is treated cruelly both by No.6 who rejects her love, and the doctor-No.22, who treats No.8 as any animal she would experiment on.

   I wonder what might have happened, had No.6 been able to leave well alone having escaped the Village in ‘Many Happy Returns,’ and simply disappeared after being waved off by Mrs. Butterworth?

    It's Your Funeral - I cannot make my mind up about this one. On the face of it we have a new No.2 who has failed just as he takes up his term of office at the Appreciation Day ceremony. No.6 who has averted mass reprisals being carried out on the innocent citizens, and No.2 who having escaped, but then who appears to change his mind in mid flight. Well the helicopter does turn and head back to The Village, much to the surprise of the new No.2. Perhaps the helicopter pilot has received orders to do so from the control room!

Music Begins Where Words Leave off
   Sounds like a recognition phrase used between spies and agents doesn't it. Well consider this for a moment, because there is a Mission Impossible moment in the episode of ‘The Girl Who Was Death,’ and it takes place in a record booth in the Magnum Record Shop.
  For it is via the voice on the record that Mister X gets information for his next assignment, should he choose to accept it, just as Mister Dan Briggs did in the early episodes of Mission Impossible. But who's is the voice on the record? It's that of Alexis Kanner, who plays the fashion photographer in the same episode.

Be seeing you

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