Saturday 11 January 2014

Thought For The Day

   When No.2 discovered that there was nothing written on those blank sheets of paper, he
should have used the
Electrostatic Detection Apparatus as he did with the blank sheet of paper taken from a writing pad in No.6’s cottage by No.14. It would have alleviated the need for the scenes with the two laboratory technicians No.’s 242 and 243.
   For those who do not know, Electrostatic Detection Apparatus into which a sheet of blank paper is inserted can detect the pressured imprints of written words left by a pen or pencil written on the top sheet of a note pad or even two sheets above it.

   So why didn’t No.2 use this device to detect whatever he thought was written on those blank sheets of paper? Perhaps No.2 couldn't detect any such tell-tale indentations of writing upon those balnk sheets of paper!
Be seeing you

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