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Friday 3 January 2014

The Therapy Zone

Development Of New Technologies
   The Village's Administration sees to it that no technology is wasted, that previous devices can be developed to a new use, such as the "Magic Box" pictured here. Basically it is a money box, when a coin is put in the slot the mechanism is activated, and a little hand comes out of the box, collects the coin and disappears back into the box, along with the coin. The "Magic Box" was adapted at once, and is now part of the security system in the Town Hall, to collect "Security Pass Discs."
    Yet more dramatic technologies have been developed right here in the village. Electrical force fields which guard the entrance of the Town Hall, and security points within the Town Hall. Cordless telephones, automatic opening doors such as we see with 6 private and No.2's residence the Green Dome. Then there's the "Beam" which when used to disable "living things," such as a Pigeon which was brought down as I recall with the "Beam" set at minimum strength. I think the search team did very well in finding that one Pigeon, downed by the "Beam."
    Then there was the General, adapted for use here in the village along with Speedlearn. Although the General was actually developed by the Professor. The "Sublimator" which is used in conjunction with Speedlearn, puts the information, subliminally, onto the cortex of the brain.
   So you see, the Villages Administration does not simply deal in information, but also relies upon technology, and allows nothing to go to waste that cannot be adapted for another use here in the village. Take the Tally Ho dispenser for example, that  contraption puts me in mind of my old mum's washing mangle! Even hairdryers are re-developed for the use in Neurosurgery technology!

Dangerous Moments
   Any moment is a "dangerous moment" when caught in a fist fight with No. 6, or rather with Patrick McGoohan, who always played it for real!
    Fights involving No. 6 have seen him half killing, or half strangling his adversaries during the fight scenes. For example No.100-Mark Eden of ‘It’s Your Funeral,’ and Gunther- Dennis Chinnery of ‘Many Happy Returns,’ not forgetting No.2-Leo McKen in ‘Once Upon A Time for another.
   The thing about No.6 is, that if he's not getting into fights, he's upsetting people, people like No.8. Mind you if you will force yourself upon No.6, he's bound to bite back! Anyway this situation would never have occurred if No.8 hadn't been hypnotised into thinking she was in love with No.6, and he with her.
   Its no wonder No.6 had a go at N0.8, she's not his type at all! And what's more, even No.8 would betray No.6 once she knew he was going to escape, even though she would be unaware she had done so. Never trust a woman, especially those who have been hypnotised by love! 

   Who placed the dead security guards in a neat pile after the fire-fight during that “Falling Out?” Perhaps the Butler did it, after all he seems to do everything else!

Be seeing you

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