Friday 7 February 2014

Double Bluff!

    The scene takes place in ‘Hammer Into Anvil’ when No.6 having written out his message to XO4, signing it D6, on the writing pad upon his desk, tears the sheet of paper off, folds it, and places it in a pocket of his blazer. Curiously No.6 looks at the next sheet of the writing pad, he observes the indentations left from having written the message. So what does he do? He tears off that sheet of paper, with the idea that no-one could detect the message he had written from those tell-tale indentations on the next sheet. But it is surely a double bluff on the part of No.6. Because No.2 was still able, with the use of technology, to detect No.6's written message to XO4. The double bluff being that No.6 only looked as though he was trying to get rid any possible way of detecting the note he had written, thus making it more important to No.2 that he should know what No.6 had written. No.6 would either suppose, or knew that there was such technology that could detect handwriting in such a way, and only made it more difficult for No.2, but not impossible. No.6 wanted No.2 to read that message, and he fell for it1 Had that have been me, I would have removed several sheets from that writing pad in order to stop anyone one from detecting what I'd have written. And if that was No.6's actual intention, so would he!

I'll be seeing you

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