Wednesday 5 February 2014

Night Time In The Village!

"Sleep, sleep, that's it sleep until tomorrow, lovely gentle sleep, and a lovely tomorrow."
   The way that disembodied female voice tries to lull No.6 to sleep, that night during ‘Dance of the Dead,’ makes it sounds to me like an attempt at a dose of brainwashing, "a lovely tomorrow" my foot! Mind you the female announcer appears to believe her own words, in fact I can see her face, sense her ecstasy as she speaks. Perhaps she's the one who's been brainwashed. Or perhaps it’s an automatic tape recorder playing it!
    No.6 was finding it difficult to sleep that night, didn’t he drink his drugged nightcap of hot chocolate again? And allowing the cat to sleep on his bed didn’t help.

Be seeing you, and a lovely tomorrow to you all.

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