Tuesday 4 February 2014

We're All Pawns Me' Dear!

   No.9 was a pawn. She was being used by No.2 assigned first to Cobb, who she thought she was going to escape the Village with, or at least that's her story. Because having been assigned to Cobb there was no chance of Cobb ever escaping the Village, as No.9 would have alerted No.2. And yet again according to No.9, she had got the Electro Pass for Cobb, suggesting that Cobb was using No.9 for his attempt to escape. But did she? What was it that saw Cobb on a ward of the hospital? Had he attempted an escape like the Prisoner, but one which had gone badly wrong? Or had Cobb found himself in the same sort of position as Roland Walter Dutton? A doctor working on Cobb so to extract the information he retained in his head! But it really doesn't matter, because Cobb had apparently "gone over" and is free to leave the Village, not wanting to keep his new masters waiting, whoever they are! And then No.9 was used by No.6 in his attempt to escape the Village, only he had guessed that it was No.2 who had given her the Electro Pass. Poor No.9, she had been used by everyone, and according to her, even the helicopter pilot! I suppose No.6 was right, and that it was No.2 who gave 9 the Electro Pass, otherwise it would mean that 9 had known the helicopter pilot, and we know what that means! No.9 seems to cut something of a tragic figure in the Village.
   No.8 had also been a pawn long before 'Checkmate' had come along, and yet she had progressed to being the white Queen, on the chessboard at least. She told No.6 that when he intended to escape she would help him with his plan, if it was a good plan. She had often helped others with their plans, none of which had ever succeeded! Which makes one wonder just how No.8 had been used to foil other Prisoner's plans for escape? But in this instance the failure of No.6's escape plan was not down to No.8's involvement, because No.6 managed to keep her at a very safe distance, and was not actually involved in the escape attempt. After 'Checkmate' we do not see this No.8 in the Village again, she like No.19 the shopkeeper, were not returned to the chessboard the next day, unlike No.6. I can undersatnd No.19 not being returned to the chessboard, he wasn't as important as No.6. As for No.8, well her anonymity as one of No.2's pawns had been blown!

Be seeing you

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