Wednesday 5 February 2014

There Is No Escape

    One particular article once several years ago now, stated that McGoohan intended the door of his house in London in ‘Fall Out’ was to represent the fact that the individual can never attain freedom. That when the door opens automatically, in the same way as did the door of ‘6 Private’ in the Village. We know there is someone inside waiting to start the whole thing all over again. There can be no escape.
   Well I thought that it was the Prisoner who started it all over again. That the house of 1 Buckingham Place is the house of No.1, and by the door opening of its own accord is an indication that the Village is anywhere and everywhere. But whichever way you look at it, it’s all in the mix, and there is still no escape.

Be seeing you


  1. No. 1 kind of escaped in or maybe: out of the rocket from "Fall Out". If you were right then No. 6 would have met his alter ego again physically in 1 Buckingham Place. Which I doubt he would have. But symbolically or in terms of the spiritual and mental conditions that the Village/No. 1 complex represents No. 1 would be there, true. So, anyone traveling to London these days should perhaps be aware of this, watch out for possibly hidden signs for the presence of No. 1 rather than wait for the return of the roaring Lotus engine... - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,
      I enjoyed reading your comment. Physically, you are right, No.6 wouldn't have met with his alter ego in 1 Buckingham Place, although the door opening automatically is a physical sign of the Village. So yes, the situation is more fitting symbolically speaking, as you say, to the spiritual and mental condition.
      One could be sat on the steps of 1 Buckingham Place a very long time waiting to hear the roaring Lotus engine.....and even if one waited long eough, could one be sure it was not an impersonator, or the ghost of the machine from an ever growing dim and distant past?

      Very kind regards
