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Wednesday 5 March 2014

Number 2 Is Just As Much A Prisoner As Number 6!

   But then he isn’t, is he? Number Two is allowed to leave the Village, because if he wasn't, he couldn't have been brought back for a second term. Number 2 suggested that both he and Number 6 are both lifers, so is there something more far reaching in Number 2’s statement? Number 2 was originally brought to the Village as a prisoner. He said himself that what was so deplorable was that he resisted for so short a time. So eventually he, like Cobb, he was released from the Village into the outside world. And yet he was still expected to be loyal to the Village and its administration so far from the Village itself. So in that respect Number 2 would be a “lifer.” And yet in the end Number 2 rebelled, he could not allow himself to be hypnotised any more. Is that what happened to Number 6? That he was brought to the Village, a “lifer” just like Number 2, but he had resigned. Subsequently he was brought to the Village to discover why one of its subjects had gone wrong?
   Yet there is one distinction, between Number 6 and Number 2. Number 2 is definitely an optimist, and that's why it doesn't matter who No.1 is. It doesn't matter which side runs the Village, because both sides are becoming identical. What has been created is an International community, a perfect blueprint for world order. And once those sides facing each other realise that they are looking into a mirror, they will see that the Village is the pattern for the future. Number 2 is proud of the Village…well at least at the time of ‘The Chimes of Big Ben.’ Later he became disillusioned because he had died, that they wouldn’t let him even rest in peace!

Be seeing you comrade!

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