Thursday 3 April 2014

Mrs. Butterworth

   Mrs. Butterworth, simply an agent working for the Village in London? That seems highly unlikely, seeing as she turned out to be No.2. But was she No.2 all the time? What I mean is, could Mrs Butterworth have been in the Village at the time, and responsible for the scheme devised against Number 6, for him to wake up to find the place deserted? Or might Mrs Butterworth be a new No.2 newly arrived in the Village, prior to the arrival of No.6?
   If her story is to be believed, her late husband Arthur, was in the Royal Navy. So what does Mrs Butterworth do for a living? Perhaps she works somewhere within the British Civil Service, like the Colonel, Fotheringay, Thorpe, and in his former life the Prisoner-No.6. One thing is for sure, Mrs Butterworth is more than the simply the merry widow, who has a taste for a little speed.

Be seeing you

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