Wednesday 2 April 2014

Scarf & Shooting stick Equals Orb and Sceptre

    No.2 whether male or female, with the exception of Mrs Butterworth, who had perhaps not been long having arrived in the Village herself, and still wearing her own dress, wears the "old school scarf" about his or her neck, and carries about him or her an umbrella shooting stick, a symbol of their power perhaps. Indeed each of the Number 2's wear the scarf and carry about them the umbrella shooting stick at one time or another during their term of office. Although No.2 of ‘Hammer Into Anvil’ has a customised, yet regular shooting stick, and not that of the umbrella kind, customised with the added blade hidden inside the stick.
     Some time ago I arrived at the conclusion, rightly or wrongly, or perhaps being guilty of reading too much into something which is not even there, that there is a similarity between that of the old school scarf as worn by No.2 and the umbrella shooting stick which he or she carries about them as that of the orb sceptre carried about by the Kings and Queens of England. Well even if I am being on the fanciful side, I think its a nice idea and certainly I cannot be far away with the idea about the "old school scarf."

Be seeing you

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