Wednesday 2 April 2014

Thought For The Day

   It is most perplexing, the reason they replaced the Professor with a wax effigy. The fact they have a doctor supposedly looking after the Professor in his house, well that just makes the doctor out to be an idiot. And who is this all for? Certainly not Madam Professor, as she should know. Mind you she did look puzzled when No.6 handed her a piece of wax. But why is she puzzled, after all it was her masterpiece, that wax head.
  I can only imagine that at the time the Professor is in the hospital undergoing some mild therapy treatment. But then why that cannot be done in the comfort of the Professor's home I don't know. That still doesn't explain the reason for the need of a wax effigy of the Professor in the first place.
   And I'll leave you with this thought. It might have been the Professor's home, but you never see the Professor in his home, not once, only Madam Professor. The elegant house, so elaborately decorated, must have seemed like a very large prison within the Village. Because it strikes me that Madam Professor is in solitary confinement. Never once does it seems is she allowed out and about in the Village. When it comes to going outside, she is only allowed as far as the exercise yard, that of her garden. Effectively keeping Madam Professor under house arrest!

Be seeing you

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