Thursday 8 May 2014

A Private War!

    The Prisoner is many things to many different people. One description is that No.1 is the bad guy who No.6 was trying to beat. That No.1 and No.6 are one and the same person, so that what we see on the television screen is actually what is going on in No.6's mind, the struggle within himself. With a number of inhabitants of The Village becoming embroiled in that struggle, No.2 more than anyone. Although the first time I watched the series I was not aware of that, there was no cause for me to be. It was simply a man, who having resigned his job was abducted to The Village because with all the information and knowledge inside the Prisoner's head he couldn't be left to roam free. After all anything could have befallen him. He might have found himself kidnapped, taken behind the Iron Curtain in order to have that inside his head extracted. As it is the Prisoner, as I've always believed, has been abducted to The Village by his own people, so really wouldn't the Prisoner be in The Village in order to protect that information, which the British Civil Service would already know about, the files he's seen, the projects he's heard about. So there really is no reason for that information and knowledge to be extracted, and as for the reason why the Prisoner resigned, why should that have mattered when the Prisoner is safely tucked away in The Village!


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