Friday 9 May 2014

The Schizoid Man

   It is interesting to note that ‘The schizoid Man is not all about escape, although No.6 does attempt an impromptu escape at the end, this episode of events is about the survival of the individual as No.6 struggles to maintain his identity, his sanity, and self. The Village administration may have striped the Prisoner of his name and previous identity in reducing him to a mere number. However that number, which previously he refused to wear and respond to, is all the identity the Prisoner has, and he's desperate not to lose it. To prove that he is No.6, and that the other chap is the economy pack!
    "Once we get started, even I won't be able to tell you apart."
                                        {No.2 The Schizoid Man}
    What the devils he talking about, this No.2? No.6 is the man in the black piped blazer, and No.12-Curtis is in the cream blazer. There's no confusion about this, no mistake can be made. But then perhaps the above line of text spoken by No.2 is from a time of the original script, when Curtis was originally going to wear the same dark blazer as No.6, then the line "Once we get started, even I won't be able to tell you apart" makes perfect sense. And that in my opinion would have been better, because you the viewer would not know until the very last line.
    One curious observation made of the episode The Schizoid Man, this as No.6 is actually wearing his No.6 badge, Curtis that is, not No.6, although he does wear it for a short time during his impersonation of Curtis-No.12.
   It might be probable for No.6 to be seen by other members of the community to be seen wearing a different coloured piped blazer. But he has never before been seen to wear his numbered badge!
   If Curtis had been briefed properly as to the character of No.6, he should have known that the real No.6, who he was to take the place of, impersonate and become the character of the man, should have known that No.6 never wears his numbered badge! A mistake on the part of Curtis, perhaps he liked to wear the badge as a reminder as to who he was supposed to be! Or was it something quite deliberate, the reason for which we shall never know!
    Further this episode we learn the name of the Village Guardian, or do we? It is No.6 who gives the Guardian its name of “Rover,” although he might be using the word as a euphemism or nick-name, a he sees the Village Guardian as a watch dog, even possibly as a sheep dog as it busies itself rounding up Village Citizens! But either way, correct name or euphemism, No.2 was quick to pick up on the term when No.6 {impersonating Curtis} tells No.2 that No.6 is dead “Rover got him!” “De-activate Rover immediately!” No.2 orders, Whatever the Village Guardian is, for myself membrane first grown in a Petra dish, "it" is able to think for itself, even only on a basic level. However the Guardian is far from being infallible. As it turns and kills Curtis, believing him to be No.6 making a run for it!
    Number Six is tripped up in his attempted escape by a method that he himself employed to trip up his No.2 in ‘A B and C.’ In ‘The Schizoid Man’ it is the lack of a piece of basic information that lets No.6 down, he didn’t know that Susan died a year ago, and there was no-way he could have known that. It is the lack personal data in “B’s” file that unmasks her impostor when the doctor puts words in “B’s” mouth. "What is your sons name?" No.6 asks. It is a question No.2 cannot answer, "they" didn't even know 'B' has a son, and lack of personal knowledge reveals the hoax! Or does it? Might not No.6 engaging a clever plot by the introduction of “B’s” son, when she may not have had a son at all?

Be seeing you

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