Friday 9 May 2014

Electrifying The Prisoner

    Have you ever thought how electrifying the Prisoner can be? Well it was Nadia-No.8 who was first to find out during her interrogation in ‘The Chimes of Big Ben,’ how electrifying the experience could be. You will recall that the floor of the interrogation room had been electrified, this she discovered by sprinkling water onto the floor. But for No.6 electrification came through another conductor, the arms of a leather upholstered chair during the truth test of ‘Free For All.’ So electrifying did No.6 find the experience, that he couldn't rise from his seat!
    In the episode of ‘The Schizoid Man’ No.6 was again electrified by the experience of electro-therapy. In this to adjust his right-handedness to being left handed, and it was by the use of electricity which enabled No.6 to reverse his left-handedness. This via a short circuiting electric table lamp which was enough to give No.6 a short sharp electric shock and reverse his left-handedness back to being right handed.
   But electrification can be a deadly thing, as No.6, when incognito as a Top Hat official in Administration found out in ‘the General, that time he threw his leather document holder at a checkpoint. He is warned by a voice from a speaker that to try that a second time would be fatal! However electrification proved fatal for both the Professor and No.12 - of Administration as they were electrocuted to death! And then there's the electrical forcefield at the entrance to the Town Hall which No.6 had an encounter with in 'Dance of The Dead,' And finally during the episode of ‘It’s Your Funeral’ we learn that amongst the retiring No.2's achievements, he oversaw the electrification of the clocks in The Village. The first electric clock was in 1840 patented by Alexander Bain.


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