Wednesday 7 May 2014

The Prisoner's Future

    The Prisoner is shown his future in a crystal ball handed to him by No.1. Judging by what we see, I would say that the Prisoner's future will continue in much the same vein as his immediate past! The Prisoner lets the crystal ball slip from his fingers to smash into a thousand splinters on the floor. But despite his rejection of his future in store for him, there is no avoiding it!
   'The Prisoner' has been described and interpreted in may ways. One interpretation is that 'the Prisoner is a prediction for the future, yes the Prisoner's future!


1 comment:

  1. "One interpretation is that 'the Prisoner is a prediction for the future, yes the Prisoner's future!"
    Predictions are always about potential future events. You need to use a different word than 'future'.
