Friday 20 June 2014

A Question of Equilibrium

    One might think that wanting to know why the Prisoner resigned might in itself be good enough to see him abducted to The Village, this together the need for information, because No.2 and his administration didn’t know the reason behind the resignation. And yet might there be more to it than that? The bringing of Number 6 to The Village in order to create an equilibrium. To maintain the balance of power through bringing both good and evil together. The one being a counter balance for the other for the good of The Village and it’s community. But unfortunately Number 6 would have none of it, judging by the falling out witnessed in ‘Fall Out.’ And so by Number 6 refusing to have anything to do with it, his action of handing in his resignation caused a state of imbalance in The Village. So in order to restore the balance the reason why the Prisoner-No.6 resigned must be understood by No.2 and his administration.

Be seeing you

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