Wednesday 18 June 2014

Jackie Drake Never Heard Of Him!

      It is always interesting seeing how others see ‘the Prisoner.’ But sometimes somethings are misconstrued. In ‘Once Upon A Time’ for example, it has been written that the Prisoner is indirectly referred to as "Jackie Drake." Well this is absurd, at no time does No.2 refer to No.6 as "Jackie Drake". Yes No.2 does use the name Jackie, as in the nursery rhyme "See saw Marjory Daw, Jackie shall have a new master....." when of course it should be "Johnny shall have a new master." As for Drake, the name never passes No.2's lips! Oh I see, it's mistaking the word "Break" - "Report to my study during the morning break" says No.2 to the pupil-No.6. Obviously the observer has misheard, like so many before him, the word "break" for "Drake."

Be seeing you

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