Thursday 24 July 2014

After The Fall Out

    Number 6 is finally free of The Village! Its been a long and arduous journey to get back home to London. But that's not good enough for him, just as it wasn't good enough that time he returned home in having escaped The Village once before in 'Many Happy Returns.' That wasn't good enough for Number 6 then, and it wasn't good enough for him now. The moment he arrives back to his home of No.1 Buckingham Place, he climbs into his Lotus Seven and drives off. We watch as the Lotus turns left at the traffic lights, and passed the Houses of Parliament. We know where the Prisoner is going, to park in that underground car park, back to that office in which he once handed in his resignation. The Prisoner still isn't satisfied, he still has questions he needs to find the answers to, questions which are probably intrinsic, and if he doesn't get those answers....well I suspect he'll be back in The Village before he knows it!
Be seeing you


  1. "We watch as the Lotus as it turns left at the traffic lights, and passed the Houses of Parliament."

    6/10. The above needs to be rewritten in grammatical English.

    1. Well, "We watch as the Lotus turns left at the traffic lights, and passed the Houses of Parliament" is an improvement, but it needs further work.Try, for example, "We watch as the Lotus turns left at the traffic lights and passes the Houses of Parliament" or perhaps you meant, "We watch as the Lotus turns left at the traffic lights and past the Houses of Parliament". How we are supposed to work out the meaning of your posts if you can't actually present them articulately?

    2. If Anonymous wishes to be a defender of the English language, as he clearly thinks he is, he needs to learn the difference between "passed" and "past."

      John Darke
